Sewer System


 Sewer System

On June 19, 2020, Aqua Pennsylvania Wastewater completed their purchase of the East Norriton Township sewer system. Effective that date they took on responsibility for all maintenance and billing operations of the sewer system.


Billing Frequency and Rates

One change you will notice is that Aqua bills monthly whereas the Township billed quarterly. Despite the change in billing frequency, your sewer rates will remain the same. One of the provisions of the sewer system sale was that rates would remain the same until Aqua is able to present a rate change case to the state Public Utility Commission (PUC) and based on their schedule, your rates are anticipated to remain the same for approximately two years. Should Aqua propose a rate increase at that time, the Township is committed to ensuring Township residents are treated fairly and responsibly.


Alternate Meters

Another change is that Aqua does not recognize or provide for alternate meter exclusions. East Norriton Township does not have any control over this matter. The Township had actually been reviewing the possibility of discontinuing the use of alternate meters in 2021 because of numerous instances of misuse and misreporting of alternate meters. 


Billing Frequency

East Norriton Township's last sewer bill was sent to residents on June 19, 2020. It covered water usage for the period of 2/2020 through 5/2020. Aqua's first bill is anticipated to be sent in July 2020 and would use water readings beginning June 2020.


Account Balances

All Township residents started with a zero balance with Aqua. Any balances due as of the Township's 6/19/2020 billing are still due to the Township.  Any Township account with a credit balance will have that credit refunded to them by the Township. Credits are not carried forward to the new Aqua accounts.                                                                          

Flat Rate Customers

If you are a flat rate customer, you may have noticed that your first monthly bill from Aqua was higher than expected. According to Aqua, this is because your first bill was for 38 days in order to bring your account to an end of month billing cycle. Aqua bills flat services at the end of the month. The billing rate used is the same as when the Township billed, it was simply for 38 days instead of 30 days. Your next bill will be for a 30 day cycle.

 Sewer Certifications

Sewer certifications may be obtained thru the Township's Finance Department. Please contact the office by calling 610-275-2800 and dial ext. 128. Requests can also be made by faxing the information to 610-277-1879 or forward your request in writing to: East Norriton Township, 2501 Stanbridge Street, East Norriton. PA 19401. The certifications will be completed within 3-5 business days following the request. A $ 30.00 certification fee is required. Sewer certifications are only good for 30 days from issuance, after 30 days and new request and fee is required. Please make payment payable to East Norriton Township. The following information must be provided when requesting a certification:

  1. Property Address
  2. Parcel Number
  3. Seller's name
  4. Buyer's name
  5. Date of settlement