500-599 Ordinances

598 Amending Part II: General Legislation, Ch. 196, "Vehicles & Traffic", Article VII "Schedules" to Code of Ordinances.
597 Amending Chapter 166 - Stormwater Management
596 Amending Chapter 196 - Stop Intersections
595 Ordinance Adding Early Retirement Option to the Police Pension Plan
594 Amend Fire Department Code
593 Expand HRC to Seven Members
592 Amending Code of Ordinances Regulating Peddling, Soliciting and Canvassing
591 Non-Uniformed Employees Defined Contribution Plan
590 Tree Protection Standards Ordinance
589 Amending Part II, Chapter 205, Artle XXIX Wireless Communications Facilities
588 Amending the Code of Ordinances, Chapter 26, Article 1
587 Amending Zoning Map
586 Establish a Mechanism to Process the Minor Nonviolent Offenses of Personal Possession or Personal Use of Marijuana
585 Regulating Fireworks Use Within the Township
584 Amending Code of Ordinances, Chapter 10 Fire Department
583 Chpt 205 Zoning Amendment
582 Zoning 2311 Old Arch Rd
581 Asset Purchase Agreement Aqua
580 Transfer of RIght-of-Way to PennDOT
579 Property Maintenance
578 Rental Properties
577 Use & Occupancy
576 Changing the Number of Planning Commission Members
575 SALDO Text Amendment
574 Zoning Text Amendment
573 Amending the Employees' Pension Plan
572 Amending the Police Pension Plan
571 Amending Township Zoning Map - 2208 Old Arch Rd AR to BR1 and Ordinance Amendment
570 Zoning/Codified Text Amendment
569 Flood Plain Ordinance
568 Police Radio Purchase Program/Promissory Note
567 SALDO Amendment
566 Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment
565 Amending Snow Emergency Parking Regulations
564 PA Fire Recovery Program
563 Amending Township Zoning Map - 806 W. Germantown Pk from AR to RP
562 Repeal Firearm Regulations
561 Authorizing Continued Participation in the PSATS Unemployment Comp Group Trust
560 Police Pension Plan Amendment
559 Employee's Pension Plan Amendment
558 General Housekeeping
557 Intergovernmental Reimbursement
556 SALDO Stormwater Amendment
555 Non-Uniformed Employees' Pension Plan Amendment
554 Comcast Franchise Agreement Renewal
553 Group Home Regulations
552 Reducing the Speed Limit on Old Arch Road
551 Stormwater Management Plan
550 Wireless Communications Facilities
549 Amending Chapter 54 "Alarm Devices"
548 Responsible Contractor
547 Implement Taxpayer Bill of Rights
546 Prohibiting Brake Retarders on Certain Roadways
545 Appointing Alternative Tax Collector
544 Establishing the Procedures for Installation, Use & Maintenance of Sewage Grinder Pumps
543 Establishing Defrayed Stormwater Maintenance Fund
542 Establishing a Human Relations Commission
541 Amending Employees' Pension Plan
540 Amending Police Pension Plan
539 Establishing Interest Rate on Municipal Liens
538 Curative Amendment - Billboards
537 Amending EDU Equivalency for Restaurants & Warehouses
536 Barbara Dr Address Change
535 No Parking Sign Location
534 Police Pension Plan amendment
533 part 1 - Zoning Text Ordinance amendment
532 Amendment updating Snow Removal penalties
531 Fire Company Worker's Compensation
530 part 1 Sewer Use Ordinance
529 Amending ENT Code - adopting the 2009 International Property Maintenance code w/amendmts
528 Amending ENT Code - adopting the 2009 International Fire Code, with amendments
527 Amending ENT Code - Fire Insurance
526 Amending Zoning Code - Designation of boundaries & off street parking
525 For Incurrence of Debt for Refinancing Bond Issue
524 For Incurrence of debt for aerial Fire Truck (amended)
523 Amending requirements for Political Signs
522 Disbanding the Shade Tree Commission
521 For Incurrrence of Debt for Aerial Truck
520 Contractor registrations
519 Establishing a Deferred Retirement Option Program
518 Zoning Map Amendment
517 Creation of Age-Targeted Residential District
516 New Deed Registration Requirements
515 Zoning Ordinance Housekeeping Amedment
514 Employee Pension Plan
513 Police Pension Plan
512 Zoning Ordinance Housekeeping Amendment
511 Open Records
510 Solid Waste Management
509 Regulation of Manhole Connections
508 Sewer Collection System Requirements
507 School EDU Calculations
506 Zoning Map Amendment
505 Amending of the Institutional Zoning District
504 Adoption of the East Norriton Zoning Ordinace & Map
503 Adoption of the East Norriton SALDO
502 Waste Collectors and Recyclables
501 Regulation of Historic Resources
500 Amending Ordinance 432 - Traffic Impact Fee