What does this mean?

East Norriton Township submitted a NPDES permit application to the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection on March 10, 2003 and received approval for the permit. Under this permit, East Norriton Township must develop and implement a storm water management program within the five-year permit term. We must also track the progress towards the goals of the permit as well as report our progress to DEP on an annual basis. There are six components of the Storm Water Program: Public Education, Public Involvement, Construction Site Runoff Management, Post-Construction Storm water Management, Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination, and Good Housekeeping and Pollution Prevention.  Please see the links to the six components of Storm Water Management below.

As a result of this Storm Water Program some of the expected benefits include; enhanced fishing, enhanced opportunities for recreation, reduced flood damage, drinking water benefits, navigational benefits, reduced illness and enhanced aesthetic value. There are many ways in which, you the public, can get involved with this program.  These include following the pollution prevention tips being provided by the Township, passing on information about the storm water program to other community residents and reporting any storm water issues to East Norriton Township.

Provided on this web page throughout the five-year permit period, you will find valuable information about storm water issues, as well as updates on the Township's Storm Water Program. The Township has established a committee of staff and consultants which meet on a monthly basis to ensure that the Township is on schedule to meet the annual requirements of the Storm Water Program. In addition, you can view all of the NPDES Storm Water Permit information on DEP's web site at www.dep.state.pa.us and type in the Keyword "stormwater"

If you want to learn more about water and what you can do to help keep it clean, you can check out these exciting web sites for more water wisdom: