Collection Registration


Yard Waste Collection:
Please complete the form below to register for yard waste collection. Pick-up begins on the 3rd Monday of the month except when this date falls on a holiday, pick-up then moves to the next business day. Registrations must be received by noon the Friday prior to pick-up. Please follow yard waste guidelines on the website when setting out your yard waste. Due to increased participation and large volumes, please allow at least two days for pick up of your yard waste.

Important Yard Waste Collection Information:

In January of 2008, East Norriton Township kicked off a yard waste recycling program. The recycling program provides monthly curbside yard waste collection to single-family households and select multifamily properties within the Township. The yard waste recycling program is free to all of our residents.

East Norriton Township ordinance requires residents to separate yard waste, such as shrubbery, branches, limbs, and other yard trimmings, from other garbage and prohibits trash haulers from collecting yard waste with regular garbage pick-up. The yard waste recycling program will collect and recycle yard waste from single family households and multifamily properties with less than 3 units within the Township.

In the past East Norriton Township has used a chipper and dump truck to collect yard waste. In an effort to increase efficiency, the Public Works Dept. has purchased a used trash truck. By doing so this method will provide a safer work environment for our employees as well as reduce dust and mess at each residence. With this change in the method of collection, the guidelines of yard waste have been changed. Christmas tree collection will remain a chipper operation as whole trees cannot be collected in a garbage truck. Please adhere to guidelines and work together with us and prepare your yard waste properly to make this process as safe and efficient as possible.

ALL yard waste MUST be reduced in size, and bundled with string or twine. Bundles shall be no more than 3 feet in length X 3ft in width x 3ft in height, and weigh no more than 50 pounds per bundle. Maximum in diameter of 5 inches. NO LOGS. DO NOT place loose materials on top of bundles.

Please place yard waste bundles curbside in a manner that does not block the public right of way including sidewalks or placed on a roadway or street.

Small branches, shrub clippings, or twigs can be placed in a 32 gallon can and clearly marked as yard waste. DO NOT fill wheeled containers from your contracted waste hauler with yard waste. DO NOT place yard waste in bags. BAGS WILL NOT BE COLLECTED.

Yard waste collection limits per household. Each month a maximum of 10 bundles and 3 cans can be placed out for pickup.

Loose piles of limbs, branches, brush, and trimmings will not be collected.

Removal of significant amounts of limbs, branches, brush, or fallen trees and shrubs caused by storm damage or other hazards is the responsibility of the property owner unless the Township is declared an official Disaster Area and community-wide clean-up efforts are initiated. Removal of significant amounts of limbs, branches, brush, and other trimmings from tree and/or landscape work will not be collected and is the responsibility of the property owner.

No dirt, soil, rocks, stones, bricks, concrete, sod, mulch or construction or demolition debris of any type will be collected.

Up to two days before the scheduled collection day, residents may set out yard waste using 32-gallon trash cans or bundles. Since the yard waste will be recycled, residents cannot set out yard waste in plastic bags. Furthermore, residents cannot set out dirt, rocks, stumps, weeds, grass, bamboo, or leaves. Trash cans used to set out yard waste must be clearly marked as yard waste. For the safety of the collectors, each trash can or bundle cannot exceed 50 pounds. Furthermore, each bundle must be less than 3 feet in diameter and placed at the curb with the cut ends of the yard waste towards the street. Branches, limbs, or trunks cannot be more than 5 inches in diameter each. Yard waste properly containerized or bundled should be placed within 5 feet of the curb and in such a manner as not to obstruct the road. Yard waste improperly set out or co-mingled with unacceptable materials will not be collected. 

To participate in the program, residents must contact East Norriton Township at (610) 275-2800 Ext 111 or sign up online under Yard Waste Collection Registration. Residents must contact the township no later than noon the Friday before the monthly collection day. Requests for pick-up past the deadline will automatically be placed on the following month's collection.

Yard waste is collected on the 3rd Monday of each month. If the 3rd Monday is a holiday, or there is inclement weather, collection will be provided the following business day. Up to two days prior to the scheduled collection day, yard waste may be set out. Avoid placing yard waste behind parked vehicles or in the roadway. Please understand the number of pick-ups varies each month and depending on location you may not receive the service that Monday every month. During some months collection may extend into Wednesday or Thursday based on the number of residents and volume. The average is two days to complete the entire township.

What is yard waste?

  • Shrubbery
  • Branches & limbs (bundled)
  • Garden residues
  • Other yard trimmings

What is NOT yard waste?

  • Rocks
  • Dirt
  • Stumps
  • Weeds
  • Grass
  • Ornamental Grass
  • Bamboo
  • Leaves (will be collected as part of the regular leaf collection program).


Fall Leaf Collection Schedule

Please have your leaves at the curb by Monday morning and we will make every effort to have them collected by the end of business Friday. Our typical collection routine involves leaf vacuum crews working on the eastern and western ends of the Township and work towards the middle (North Wales Road area). There is no set schedule for leaf collection - and there is no need to call in for collection.

With the use of our single-person leaf vacuum machines, there is no longer any need to bag leaves.

On neighborhood roads, leaves should be placed in the street against the curb and not on the lawn!  

The exceptions for "on the road" placement of leaves are Swede Rd, Whitehall Rd, Germantown Pike, Burnside Ave, Old Arch Road, Arch Road, North Wales Road, Township Line Road, and Johnson Highway as most do not have curbs. 

Please be reminded that leaf piles should be no larger than 18" high and 18" wide with no trash, tree limbs or other debris mixed with the leaves. All leaves must be placed in the street along the curb or at the edge of the roadway as township employees are not permitted to enter private property to rake leaves. Any delay in the schedule because of inclement weather will be carried out the following work day. Residents are asked not to park on the leaf piles as this hinders the leaf collection process and may cause fires. 


Spring Leaf Collection:
Please complete the form below to register for Spring Leaf Collection. Spring Leaf Collection for 2024 will begin April 15th and go until April 26th. All requests must be received by April 24th. All leaves must be raked to the curb for collection.

* - denotes required field