Emergency Management


East Norriton Township is responsible for responding to the needs of the citizens in a serious emergency or major disaster affecting our community. Planning and coordinating this response is the task of the Office of Emergency Management. However, all citizens should prepare to be self-sufficient for at least 72 hours.

The Emergency Management Coordinator is responsible for coordinating the emergency and disaster mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery efforts of this Township. The Emergency Management Coordinator and his Deputy work in conjunction with Montgomery County's Public Safety Director and the State's Emergency Management Agencies.

East Norriton Township's Emergency Management Coordinator accomplishes the mission through a wide array of programs, including the development of emergency plans, conducting disaster exercises, public awareness, and education. The Emergency Management Coordinator conducts annual training for East Norriton's first responders to stay in compliance with the National Incident Management System (NIMS).

The emergency planning efforts are constantly changing; we regularly review, update, and test the Township's Emergency Operations Plan. The preparedness strategy for the East Norriton Township Emergency Management Office includes the classic four phases of emergency management: Mitigation, Preparedness, Response, and Recovery. In a Township of more than 13,000 residents, this is no small task.

Please contact the Office of Emergency Management if you or someone in your house is disabled or would require special attention in an emergency. Please call the Township's Emergency Management Coordinator at 610-275-2800 ext. 156, and ask for an emergency response form.