001-099 Ordinances

99 Directing that a question be placed on ballot concerning Form of Government of East Norriton Township
98 Providing for regulating standing & parking of vehicles on public roads & streets
97 Authorizing purchase of tract of ground located within the Rahway Ave. section
96 Zoning Ordinance of 1963 Amended and Revised
95 Amending Ord. 3 providing for the health & safety of residents by prohibiting or abating nuisances
94 Establishing rules & regulations governing use of Township recreational areas and parks
93 Amending Zoning Ord. by changing zoning of tract of land on Johnson Highway from AR to C
92 Amending Ordinance No. 59 - bathing and swimming pool ordinance
91 Requiring use and occupancy permits for dwelling units, commercial units or industrial units
90 Providing for the compensation of the Office of Tax Collector
89 Amending Ordinances by changing definition of the word adult and establishing 18 years of age as adult
88 Establishing Street Light Districts and describing the method of benefit assessment in those districts
87 Regulating picketing within the Township and providing penalties for violations
86 Prohibiting the owners of dogs from permitting the same to run at large and providing penalties
85 Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance of 1972
84 Amending Zoning Ord. by changing zoning of tract of land on Trooper Rd from AS to IN
83 Amending Ord. 35 - Sewer connections
82 Prohibiting the parking of certain motor vehicles on the highways of East Norriton Township
81 Requiring owners of apartments to provide to the Twp Tax collector a list of occupants
80 Amending Ord. 69 -Snow Removal
79 Requiring owners/occupants to periodically cut tall weeds which constitute a public nuisance
78 Amending Zoning Ord. by changing zoning of tract of land on Germantown Pike from AR to C
77 Amending Zoning Ord. by changing zoning of tract of land on Germantown Pike from IN to C
76 Amending Zoning Ord. by changing zoning of tract of land on Hannah Ave. from AR to C
75 Amending Ord. 45 - The Amusement Tax Ordinance of East Norriton Township
74 Amending Ord. 40 - the Zoning Ordinance of 1963
73 Creating the Office of Township Manager and setting forth the powers, duties and compensation
72 Amending Ord. 52 - the East Norriton Township Plumbing Code
71 Amending Zoning Ord. and map by changing certain districts from BP and AR to HR - High Rise
70 Amending Zoning Ord. - article XVII, Article XVIII and XIX
69 Establishing procedure for removal of snow and moving of motor vehicles during snow emergencies
68 making it unlawful to injure, remove or tamper with real & personal property of East Norriton Township
67 Defining disturbing the peace; prohibiting such conduct & providing penalties for the violation thereof
66 Ordinance Amending Provisions of Fire Prevention Code establishing permit fees for burning
65 Ordinance Amending Provisions of Fire Prevention Code establishing fines for illegal parking
64 Amending Zoning Ordinance No.40 Changing the Zoning Map -Adding IN-Institutional
63 Amending Zoning Ord. changing a portion of a certain district from I to LR-Low Rise Residential
62 Creating a Planning Commission under the "Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code"
61 Amending East Norriton Township Zoning Ordinance of 1963 Amending Artic1e IV, Section 408
60 Amending Ordinance No.59, "Bathing and swimming Pool Ordinance"
59 Regulating the Construction, Operation &Maintenance of Bathing Places or Swimming Pools
58 Amending the East Norriton Township Plumbing Code known as Ordinance No.52
57 Amending Ordinance No. 29 which Provided for Connections with the Sanitary Sewer System
56 Amending Plumbing Code Known as Ord. 52 Amending Examination Fees
55 Changing the Zoning Map and a certain district thereon from B-R District to B-P District.
54 Amending the East Norriton Township Plumbing Code known as Ordinance No.52
53 Amending Fire Prevention Code as amended by Ordinances No. 43 and 48
52 Plumbing Code
51 Establishing a Park or Recreation Board
50 Amending the Zoning Map and a certain District thereon from A-R to an I-Industrial District
49 Adoption of Building Code
48 Amending Fire Ordinance No. 43
47 Animal Ordinance
46 Transfer Tax
45 Assessment and collection of Amusement Tax
44 Amending Ordinance Number 43 Relating to the Regulations Concerning bulk plants.
43 Fire Prevention Code
42 Zoning change from A-Residential District to LR-Low Rise Residential District -Hannah Ave
41 Zoning change from A-R & I District to LR-Low Rise Residential District - North Wales Road
40 The East Norriton Township Zoning Ordinance of 1963
39 Agreement of Lease between ENT and ENT Municipal Authority regarding the sewer system
38 To Regulate the presence of Minors under the age of eighteen years in public places & private establishments between certain hours
37 Township Roads prohibited to Commercial Vehicles
36 Amending Zoning Ordinance of 1955, Residential to Commercial District
35 Plumbers; Rules and regulations
34 Amendment, Zoning Ordinance of 1955, Additional Classification, C - Commercial District
33 Amendment, Zoning Ordinance of 1955, Building Coverage
32 Sewer System; Construction of System, Connection Charges and Rentals on Users
31 Sewer System, District No.1, Imposing Connection Charges , Rentals, Rules , Regulations, Collection Charges, Liens & Penalties
30 Sewer District No. 1, Approving Report &Plan of Construction, Proposed Charges & Assessments of Properties Benefited
29 Sewer District No. 1, East Norriton Township, Rules, Regulations, Permits, Penalties, Etc
28 Creating Sewer District No. 1, East Norriton Township
27 Sewer Authority -ENT & Plymouth Township, Approval of Joint Agreement
26 Amendment, Zoning Ordinance of 1955, Residential to Commercial District
25 Joint Municipal Authority between ENT & Plymouth Twp -Intention and desire, appointing first members and fixing the terms
24 Municipal Authority -amendment extending corporate term of existence
23 Peddling, canvassing, etc., regulations, fines & penalties
22 Per Capita Tax
21 Zoning Amendment -Additional Classification Uses - A and B Residential Districts
20 Per capita Tax - 1958
19 Zoning amendment - Residential to Commercial
18 Hunting - Regulations, fines, penalties, etc.
17 Dogs - fines and penalties for allowing same to run at large
16 Police Pension fund
15 Zoning Ordinance - superceded by No. 40
14 Subdivision and Land Use - Penalties for violations
13 Vacation of Public Road
12 Social Security Plan -Participation of Township employees and Officers
11 Parking regulations - Fines and penalties
10 Fire prevention - Regulating, abating and penalties
09 Erecting and Maintaining Sidewalks, Drives , etc . Fees, Fines, Penalties, etc.
08 Amending Ordinance No. 1 - Fire Prevention
07 No Dumping - Fines and penalties, etc.
06 Disorderly conduct - Fines and penalties
05 Prohibiting construction of Piggery
04 Public Roads - construction & maintenance, fees, penalties, etc.
03 Nuisances - No dumping, etc.
02 Municipal Authority - Creation
01 Fires - Prevention, Inspecting & regulations - superceded by No. 10